Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Just about Preaching Time!

My aunt shared this with me; now I would like to share it with you:

Now there are some people, at least I am told,
who go to the church through heat or the cold.
They act very lively, you'd think they were fine;
but they drop off to sleep just about preaching time.

When they enter the Church they talk loud and long,
and when service has started they join in the song.
Their singing is lusty, they remember the rhyme;
but they drop off to sleep just about preaching time.

They learn all the gossip, catch up on their talk;
to read the responsive they never would balk.
They hear the announcement and put in a dime;
then they drop off to sleep just about preaching time.

I wonder if Jesus should visit the place,
and stand in their pulpit while they look on His face;
if He should share with them some great truths sublime.
Would they still go to sleep just about preaching time?

Now, friends, He is coming; His Glory we'll see,
and go up to Heaven forever to be.
It may be this service His Glory will shine.
So, please, stay awake all through preaching time.

With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!                     

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