Committed: To obligate or pledge oneself
Connected: Joined or linked together
In these last days we need to understand that perilous times will come and there will be great stress and trouble. This stress will be hard to deal with and the trouble will be hard to bear. For people will be lovers of self, self-centered, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; ungrateful, unholy, lovers of money and aroused by greedy desire for wealth, proud, arrogant, people will be without natural affection, trouble makers, haters of good, and uncontrolled -- from these things we must turn away.
We must stay focused on the positive things of the Lord; we must concentrate on His righteousness, His love, His mercy, His word, and on the fact that He gives us life everyday. He didn't/doesn't just stop there - John 3:16 tell us that for God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son - there is no selfishness or self centered-ness, nor arrogance, nor haters of good in that. It's imperative that we stay focused.
We must commit our way (i.e. walk) unto the Lord, and trust also in Him -- commit to worship and praise, because He's the one that orders our steps; commit our whole being unto Him, so that whatever weapon is formed against us will misfire every time. Additionally, when we obligate ourselves to the Lord, He will in turn obligate Himself to us.
We must stay connected. I know that you have heard the phrase "they are joined at the hip;" well, we must get joined at the hip, the heart, the head and wherever else we can to Jesus. We have to get connected to Him as He stays connected to the Father - that way He will lead, guide, keep and protect us.
Even though we are focused, committed, and connected to the Lord, there will still be times of trouble. People, circumstances, and situations will still test us, but stay with Jesus -- He has overcome the world and well able to keep you (and me!) from falling.
With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!
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