Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Embrace and Seize Each Day!

Embrace: To hug, to surround, to take in mentally or visually, to accept
Seize: To grasp, to take possession forcibly

We must embrace today and live life to its fullest by getting the most out of each day. The truth is, we already know the right things to do and the benefits of doing them. The question is - why don't we make more of an effort to do those right things?

Well, I guess it makes us feel better to say, "I'll do the right thing tomorrow" - it's certainly the easier thing to do! My friends, I'm here to tell you - Seize the day today, for tomorrow is not promised to us. Matthew 6:34 in The Living Bible says, "So don't be anxious about tomorrow, God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time."

We tend to get so caught up in tomorrow's commitments, problems, and deadlines that we don't take the time to embrace today. By leaving the present to get involved in what we think might happen in the future, we can forget to live today. In some instances, the very things we're so worried will happen in one of our tomorrow may never happen. As long as the Lord allows us to tarry on this earth, we won't run out of tomorrows. So we must learn to make today what today is supposed to be, and not be bound by yesterday and tomorrow. Let's embrace and seize our today!

Let's take blind Bartimaeus, for instance - he didn't know that Jesus was coming through Jericho that very day, but when he heard the noise and realized that Jesus was passing by, he didn't say, "oh well, I'm tired today, I'll wait until tomorrow to go see Jesus." No, Bartimaeus never looked ahead to tomorrow, he seized the day and embraced that moment. He cried out as Jesus was passing by, saying "thou Son of David have mercy on me!" He reacted to what was going on in his life on that very day.  The Bible tells us that "Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called." When Bartimaeus went to Him, "Jesus answered and said unto him, what wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said that I might receive my sight... and immediately he received his sight" (Mark 10:46-52).

Why are we troubling ourselves about what MIGHT happen tomorrow when Jesus will stand still for us TODAY?  We cannot waste our todays - we must seize them! Let's embrace our today and put our faith in Jesus today and trust Him with all our heart - with a knowing that He is in the midst of our today. Remember, Jesus loves us, it was Him that died for us and His grace is more than sufficient.

With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!

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