8. The eighth Foundation of the wall of the New City is to be a Foundation of Reparation. When God gave His Torah-Truth, His Moral Law, it was broken outwardly on the stones that Moses cast from his hands, and it was broken inwardly on the tables of human hearts when man sinned. The Apostle Matthew’s name is inscribed in this Foundation. His name meaning the gift of God. The Beryl, the embellishing Precious Stone. The Beryl stone means to demolish, impoverish, to break on pieces, and to destroy. The Apostle Matthew with the Beryl Stone bears witness outwardly to Christ’s great works of Reparation which He does within the penitent heart.
9. God Planned that the ninth Foundation is to be Correction. The Foundation of Correction Bears the name of the Apostle James, (Son of Alphaeus,) and is embellished with the Topaz Stone. The name James is inscribed on this Foundation, his name meaning to supplant, to circumvent, to restrain. The Topaz Stone which conveys the idea of a pasture, a pleasant place, satisfaction, or a dwelling place, it also represents Christ Sincerity in the heart, which influences it to feed on the Resurrected Christ’s illuminating Truth.
10. God has ordained that there is to be a tenth Foundation – His Sureness. The Foundation of Sureness Bears the name of the Apostle Jude (Lebbaeus Thaddaeus) and is Embellished with the Chrysoprasus Stone. The Lord’s Tenth Foundation is sure, firm, mighty and strong. Apostle Jude name means the heart, the vital principle of thought, reasoning, understanding, will, and judgement. The Chrysoprasus Stone represents something of usefulness and of a strong sharp, permanent smell. The meaning in the name of the Stone teach us that the Sure Foundation of the Lord’s Mighty Stream of Righteousness and Judgement is adorned with permanent usefulness.
11. In God’s Plan for the New City, the eleventh Foundation is to be the Salty and Sweet Waters of Truth. This Foundation Bears the name of the Apostle Simon Zelotes and is Embellished with the Jacinth Stone. Salt is both corrosive and preservative. The Spiritual, Corroding Works of Christ’s Sea Salt of Truth will preserve His Seeds of Truth until they can take root downward and bear fruit upward. The Sweet Flood Waters of the Rivers of the Spirit will moisten the Seed of Truth, causing them to take root downward and bear fruit upward. Apostle Simon name means to have excessive devotion to someone and to be ardently devoted to a purpose. The beautiful Jacinth Stone mean to be conspicuous. The Lord Salty Sea Water of Truth and His Sweet River Waters of Truth will be noticeable and obvious for all creation to see, to perceive, and to observe.
12. As the final Foundation to the New City, God determined that the twelfth Foundation is to be Instruction. This Foundation is adorned with the Amethyst Stone meaning to dream, to make strong, and to restore to health. We will dream or have a true vision, and we will be made strong and be restored to perfect spiritual health when we give Christ His rightful privilege of being the Perfect Governor or Head of our life. This Foundation of Instruction is inscribed with the name of the Apostle Paul, which means little. The word little means least, small, to bend or stoop; it also connotes something of insignificance and meanness. Paul considered himself small, the least of the Apostles and Saints.
With all that said, let the church say Amen... and AMEN!
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