Priority: something given special attention.
God is concerned about everything that concern us - without exception. He cares about the decisions we make, because if we don’t make the right ones, He already knows what the end result can be. He wants to led and guide us as we make all of our decisions, instead of us trying to make them on our own. After all - He knows what’s best for us. If God didn’t love us, He wouldn’t care about the decisions we make, but the fact is, He does love us. The bible tells us, “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye” (Psalms 32:8). The thing is - He can’t perform His word if we don’t go to Him first.
Putting God first is realizing it’s all about Him - that means EVERYTHING! It's also realizing that we couldn’t bat our eye or wiggle our toes if He didn’t allow it. Think about it - we're doing God a great injustice when we seek out everybody else first when we have a problem to face or a decision to make. What's worse - when things don’t work out in our favor - that's when we come back to Him. How would YOU feel watching or experiencing your child doing the same thing to you?
Let me share an example with you: Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, to view the country. They returned to Joshua and said unto him, let not all the people go up; but let about two or three thousand men go up and smite Ai. They went up thirty-six of the men were killed and the rest of them ran for their life. The word says the hearts of the people melted, and became as water. It was then they cried out to God (Joshua 7:2-6). If they had gone to the Lord first, perhaps, they would have known that sin was in the camp. That's just as example, but honestly, we don't really have to go far that back; we can simply look at our own lives and see that we're just as guilty.
Always keep in mind: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).
With all that said, let the Church say Amen… and AMEN!
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Open Yourself Up to Change!
Changes: to make or become different, the act, process, or result changing.
2020 has been a year of changes - a year like nothing we have ever experience before in this life time. But I'm here to tell you that God is a miracle-working God and He can use all these situations to prepare us for something better. I once heard Joel Osteen say, “what you thought was a setback is actually a set-up.” We must embrace the changes and acknowledge that God is the head. We have to tackle the tasks put in front of us with love and thanksgiving in our hearts. Instead of trying to fight things we don’t understand; things we can’t fix anyway - just trust and believe that God is ordering our steps.
Accepting change is a choice, of course and it often costs us something to change. If you think about it, change often comes at inconvenience times. That’s because God is checking our attitude to see if we are going to agree with His master plan. Let’s look at the situation with the virus, we can’t go as freely as we might like (at least some of us!) and we have been asked to wear masks and to social distance. It’s an inconvenience to some of us, but it comes a time when it's imperative that we stop thinking about ourselves. If we could accept the changes as they come at us, then we stand a greater chance of seeing the good in them. If all else fails, and we can't see the good - then let's just agree to trust God - He won't lead us astray.
Some people don’t like change because they fear the unknown. Others don't like change because it interferes with their lives and can make them feel like they've lost control - especially those who are creatures of habit. Those folks tend to love routine and procedures and may be more open to change if they understood the reason why they were being made to change or if the change was their idea.
Let’s take Jonah for example: God told him to go to Nineveh and preach to the people so that they would change their wicked ways, but Jonah resisted and went his own way. Jonah resisted God’s plan for change that was about to take place, and as a result, he got swallow up by a great fish. The fact is there can be consequences to not accepting changes, and in Jonah's case, think about all the lives that would have been lost. Jonah spent three days and nights in the belly of Hell and when that fish spit him out, he went to Nineveh and preached. The people turned from their wicked ways, cried out to God and God changed His mind and saved them all... all because Jonah opened himself up to change.
With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!
2020 has been a year of changes - a year like nothing we have ever experience before in this life time. But I'm here to tell you that God is a miracle-working God and He can use all these situations to prepare us for something better. I once heard Joel Osteen say, “what you thought was a setback is actually a set-up.” We must embrace the changes and acknowledge that God is the head. We have to tackle the tasks put in front of us with love and thanksgiving in our hearts. Instead of trying to fight things we don’t understand; things we can’t fix anyway - just trust and believe that God is ordering our steps.
Accepting change is a choice, of course and it often costs us something to change. If you think about it, change often comes at inconvenience times. That’s because God is checking our attitude to see if we are going to agree with His master plan. Let’s look at the situation with the virus, we can’t go as freely as we might like (at least some of us!) and we have been asked to wear masks and to social distance. It’s an inconvenience to some of us, but it comes a time when it's imperative that we stop thinking about ourselves. If we could accept the changes as they come at us, then we stand a greater chance of seeing the good in them. If all else fails, and we can't see the good - then let's just agree to trust God - He won't lead us astray.
Some people don’t like change because they fear the unknown. Others don't like change because it interferes with their lives and can make them feel like they've lost control - especially those who are creatures of habit. Those folks tend to love routine and procedures and may be more open to change if they understood the reason why they were being made to change or if the change was their idea.
Let’s take Jonah for example: God told him to go to Nineveh and preach to the people so that they would change their wicked ways, but Jonah resisted and went his own way. Jonah resisted God’s plan for change that was about to take place, and as a result, he got swallow up by a great fish. The fact is there can be consequences to not accepting changes, and in Jonah's case, think about all the lives that would have been lost. Jonah spent three days and nights in the belly of Hell and when that fish spit him out, he went to Nineveh and preached. The people turned from their wicked ways, cried out to God and God changed His mind and saved them all... all because Jonah opened himself up to change.
With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Words of Wisdom
Wisdom: insight, knowledge, a wise attitude or course of action
Wisdom is so important. It gives us instructions, it cries out for us, it guides us, and it instructs us in every arena of our life. Wisdom is always talking, are we listening? (Proverbs 4:7) Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
Words of Wisdom:
- Enjoy prosperity whenever you can, and when hard times strike, realize that God gives to one as well as the other - so that everyone will realize that nothing is certain in this life -- except for our savior Jesus Christ.
- Finishing is better than starting! Patience is better than pride! Don’t be quick tempered – that is being a fool.
- See the way God does things and fall into line. Don’t fight the facts of nature. The facts are –Jesus is the head of all things; He’s got it all in control and it’s all working together for our good and His Glory.
- Tackle every task that come along, and if you fear God you can expect his blessing. We can expedite our tasks if we tackle them without murmuring and complaining.
- I want you to trust me in your times of trouble, so I can rescue you, and you can give me glory.
- If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done.
- When the horse is stolen, it is too late to lock the barn.
- Give generously, for your gifts will return to you later. Act 20:35 says, “It’s more blessed to give than to receive.” Besides that, God loves a cheerful giver.
- He who loves money shall never have enough. The foolishness of thinking that wealth brings happiness! The more you have, the more you spend, right up to the limits of our income, so what is the advantage of wealth - except perhaps to watch it as it runs through your fingers!
Here is my final conclusion: fear God and obey his commandments, for this is the entire duty of man. For God will judge us for everything we do, including every hidden thing, good or bad.
With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
The Twelve Foundations, The Twelve Stones and The Twelve Apostles! Part 3
Today, we will wrap up our discussion of the twelve Stones. I pray this information will bless you as it has blessed me.
8. The eighth Foundation of the wall of the New City is to be a Foundation of Reparation. When God gave His Torah-Truth, His Moral Law, it was broken outwardly on the stones that Moses cast from his hands, and it was broken inwardly on the tables of human hearts when man sinned. The Apostle Matthew’s name is inscribed in this Foundation. His name meaning the gift of God. The Beryl, the embellishing Precious Stone. The Beryl stone means to demolish, impoverish, to break on pieces, and to destroy. The Apostle Matthew with the Beryl Stone bears witness outwardly to Christ’s great works of Reparation which He does within the penitent heart.
9. God Planned that the ninth Foundation is to be Correction. The Foundation of Correction Bears the name of the Apostle James, (Son of Alphaeus,) and is embellished with the Topaz Stone. The name James is inscribed on this Foundation, his name meaning to supplant, to circumvent, to restrain. The Topaz Stone which conveys the idea of a pasture, a pleasant place, satisfaction, or a dwelling place, it also represents Christ Sincerity in the heart, which influences it to feed on the Resurrected Christ’s illuminating Truth.
10. God has ordained that there is to be a tenth Foundation – His Sureness. The Foundation of Sureness Bears the name of the Apostle Jude (Lebbaeus Thaddaeus) and is Embellished with the Chrysoprasus Stone. The Lord’s Tenth Foundation is sure, firm, mighty and strong. Apostle Jude name means the heart, the vital principle of thought, reasoning, understanding, will, and judgement. The Chrysoprasus Stone represents something of usefulness and of a strong sharp, permanent smell. The meaning in the name of the Stone teach us that the Sure Foundation of the Lord’s Mighty Stream of Righteousness and Judgement is adorned with permanent usefulness.
11. In God’s Plan for the New City, the eleventh Foundation is to be the Salty and Sweet Waters of Truth. This Foundation Bears the name of the Apostle Simon Zelotes and is Embellished with the Jacinth Stone. Salt is both corrosive and preservative. The Spiritual, Corroding Works of Christ’s Sea Salt of Truth will preserve His Seeds of Truth until they can take root downward and bear fruit upward. The Sweet Flood Waters of the Rivers of the Spirit will moisten the Seed of Truth, causing them to take root downward and bear fruit upward. Apostle Simon name means to have excessive devotion to someone and to be ardently devoted to a purpose. The beautiful Jacinth Stone mean to be conspicuous. The Lord Salty Sea Water of Truth and His Sweet River Waters of Truth will be noticeable and obvious for all creation to see, to perceive, and to observe.
12. As the final Foundation to the New City, God determined that the twelfth Foundation is to be Instruction. This Foundation is adorned with the Amethyst Stone meaning to dream, to make strong, and to restore to health. We will dream or have a true vision, and we will be made strong and be restored to perfect spiritual health when we give Christ His rightful privilege of being the Perfect Governor or Head of our life. This Foundation of Instruction is inscribed with the name of the Apostle Paul, which means little. The word little means least, small, to bend or stoop; it also connotes something of insignificance and meanness. Paul considered himself small, the least of the Apostles and Saints.
With all that said, let the church say Amen... and AMEN!
8. The eighth Foundation of the wall of the New City is to be a Foundation of Reparation. When God gave His Torah-Truth, His Moral Law, it was broken outwardly on the stones that Moses cast from his hands, and it was broken inwardly on the tables of human hearts when man sinned. The Apostle Matthew’s name is inscribed in this Foundation. His name meaning the gift of God. The Beryl, the embellishing Precious Stone. The Beryl stone means to demolish, impoverish, to break on pieces, and to destroy. The Apostle Matthew with the Beryl Stone bears witness outwardly to Christ’s great works of Reparation which He does within the penitent heart.
9. God Planned that the ninth Foundation is to be Correction. The Foundation of Correction Bears the name of the Apostle James, (Son of Alphaeus,) and is embellished with the Topaz Stone. The name James is inscribed on this Foundation, his name meaning to supplant, to circumvent, to restrain. The Topaz Stone which conveys the idea of a pasture, a pleasant place, satisfaction, or a dwelling place, it also represents Christ Sincerity in the heart, which influences it to feed on the Resurrected Christ’s illuminating Truth.
10. God has ordained that there is to be a tenth Foundation – His Sureness. The Foundation of Sureness Bears the name of the Apostle Jude (Lebbaeus Thaddaeus) and is Embellished with the Chrysoprasus Stone. The Lord’s Tenth Foundation is sure, firm, mighty and strong. Apostle Jude name means the heart, the vital principle of thought, reasoning, understanding, will, and judgement. The Chrysoprasus Stone represents something of usefulness and of a strong sharp, permanent smell. The meaning in the name of the Stone teach us that the Sure Foundation of the Lord’s Mighty Stream of Righteousness and Judgement is adorned with permanent usefulness.
11. In God’s Plan for the New City, the eleventh Foundation is to be the Salty and Sweet Waters of Truth. This Foundation Bears the name of the Apostle Simon Zelotes and is Embellished with the Jacinth Stone. Salt is both corrosive and preservative. The Spiritual, Corroding Works of Christ’s Sea Salt of Truth will preserve His Seeds of Truth until they can take root downward and bear fruit upward. The Sweet Flood Waters of the Rivers of the Spirit will moisten the Seed of Truth, causing them to take root downward and bear fruit upward. Apostle Simon name means to have excessive devotion to someone and to be ardently devoted to a purpose. The beautiful Jacinth Stone mean to be conspicuous. The Lord Salty Sea Water of Truth and His Sweet River Waters of Truth will be noticeable and obvious for all creation to see, to perceive, and to observe.
12. As the final Foundation to the New City, God determined that the twelfth Foundation is to be Instruction. This Foundation is adorned with the Amethyst Stone meaning to dream, to make strong, and to restore to health. We will dream or have a true vision, and we will be made strong and be restored to perfect spiritual health when we give Christ His rightful privilege of being the Perfect Governor or Head of our life. This Foundation of Instruction is inscribed with the name of the Apostle Paul, which means little. The word little means least, small, to bend or stoop; it also connotes something of insignificance and meanness. Paul considered himself small, the least of the Apostles and Saints.
With all that said, let the church say Amen... and AMEN!
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
The Twelve Foundations, The Twelve Stones and The Twelve Apostles! Part 2
Today, we will start with our fourth Stone. I hope these Stones will be a blessing to you as they have been to me.
When God, in His Wisdom, determined and planned the New City to be the Eternal Dwelling Place for His Son, Jesus Christ and His Bride, He set in a Foundation of Blood, which bears the name of the Apostle John embellished with the Emerald Stone. Christ's Blood always has been the Lord Foundation for Salvation of all things. The name John mean Jehovah has favored or the favour of God. The Stone in this Foundation is the Emerald, meaning to glisten and shine. The Emerald, with it's breaks and fractures and with it's glistening and shining light, bears witness to the breaks, cracks, and splits Jesus Christ suffered on the cross.
The fifth Foundation of the New City wall, is to be The Power of God Word, that bears the name of the Apostle Philip garnish with the Sardonyx Stone. All things rest upon Christ the word for their support or Foundation. Christ, the Eternal Word, created all things through His Exalted, Glorious union with the Father. The Apostle Philip name means dear, beloved, deep affection. Philip name fits so well with the love that is manifested by Christ who continues to uphold a sinful creation, giving it a chance to accept Him. The Sardonyx Stone, with it's horns and nails, bears witness to Christ Powerful Hands, with His Horns and Nail of Light, that support the New City and that, also, have written the Moral Torah-Truth in the heart of His Bride into the City.
The building of the New City was planned by God with preciseness, and it's Sixth Foundation is to be Good Works. Bears the name of the Apostle Bartholomew and is embellished with the Sardius Stone. Jesus went about doing good, bringing forgiveness, life, health, happiness to all. The Apostle Bartholomew's name means to accumulate, a bank, a terrace, the meaning of his name makes it an appropriate name for the Foundation of Good Works. The Sardius Stone beautifies the Foundation of Good Works, meaning to be rosy red; to show blood in the face. We must allow the Lord to form His Foundation of Good Works in our moral development, now, in this life.
The Seventh Foundation of Counsel, that Bears the name of the Apostle Thomas and is garnish with the Chrysolyte Stone. The Counsel of Jesus Christ and the Apostles and Prophets, as it is revealed in and through God's word, forms this Foundation. Individual believers must allow Jesus Christ to lay His Foundation of Counsel in their hearts. Apostle Thomas in inscribed in this seventh Foundation, his name meaning to be complete and to be jointed. The Chrysolyte means a stone, millstone or stumbling stone. How infinite is God Divine Wisdom that arranged to put His Counsel together with the Apostle Thomas name and the Chrysolyte Stone.
With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!
When God, in His Wisdom, determined and planned the New City to be the Eternal Dwelling Place for His Son, Jesus Christ and His Bride, He set in a Foundation of Blood, which bears the name of the Apostle John embellished with the Emerald Stone. Christ's Blood always has been the Lord Foundation for Salvation of all things. The name John mean Jehovah has favored or the favour of God. The Stone in this Foundation is the Emerald, meaning to glisten and shine. The Emerald, with it's breaks and fractures and with it's glistening and shining light, bears witness to the breaks, cracks, and splits Jesus Christ suffered on the cross.
The fifth Foundation of the New City wall, is to be The Power of God Word, that bears the name of the Apostle Philip garnish with the Sardonyx Stone. All things rest upon Christ the word for their support or Foundation. Christ, the Eternal Word, created all things through His Exalted, Glorious union with the Father. The Apostle Philip name means dear, beloved, deep affection. Philip name fits so well with the love that is manifested by Christ who continues to uphold a sinful creation, giving it a chance to accept Him. The Sardonyx Stone, with it's horns and nails, bears witness to Christ Powerful Hands, with His Horns and Nail of Light, that support the New City and that, also, have written the Moral Torah-Truth in the heart of His Bride into the City.
The building of the New City was planned by God with preciseness, and it's Sixth Foundation is to be Good Works. Bears the name of the Apostle Bartholomew and is embellished with the Sardius Stone. Jesus went about doing good, bringing forgiveness, life, health, happiness to all. The Apostle Bartholomew's name means to accumulate, a bank, a terrace, the meaning of his name makes it an appropriate name for the Foundation of Good Works. The Sardius Stone beautifies the Foundation of Good Works, meaning to be rosy red; to show blood in the face. We must allow the Lord to form His Foundation of Good Works in our moral development, now, in this life.
The Seventh Foundation of Counsel, that Bears the name of the Apostle Thomas and is garnish with the Chrysolyte Stone. The Counsel of Jesus Christ and the Apostles and Prophets, as it is revealed in and through God's word, forms this Foundation. Individual believers must allow Jesus Christ to lay His Foundation of Counsel in their hearts. Apostle Thomas in inscribed in this seventh Foundation, his name meaning to be complete and to be jointed. The Chrysolyte means a stone, millstone or stumbling stone. How infinite is God Divine Wisdom that arranged to put His Counsel together with the Apostle Thomas name and the Chrysolyte Stone.
With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!
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