Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Patience is a Virtue!

Patience: the quality of enduring, the ability to bear trails without grumbling.
Virtue: a commendable quality, a particular moral excellence.

Patience is truly a commendable quality. Today, it seems like we live in this microwave generation where everyone wants everything right now. While most of us realize that we are not always going to get what we want right away, we still get restless when it feels like things aren’t moving fast enough. We start getting restless and as a result, some then start asking the Lord for patience. My friends, I’m here to remind you that patience always involves the experience of dealing with obstacles and some delays. When these situations come about, that’s what allows our patience to have a chance to grow, so once you ask, you have to learn to let it grow instead of trying to squirm out of it.

Patience is needed in our lives in order to be successful - in the working world, and/or as a spouse and a parent. One way to practice patience is by letting go of things outside of our control. This lets you live with less stress, frustration and anger. Regardless of what other people think or say, you have a choice of how you allow things outside of your control to affect you. You are the source of that frustration.

Having impatience can lead us down a road of disappointment and disgust which will eventually cause us to give up on waiting for God like Sarah and Abraham did in the book of Genesis. Patience can be hard to master but developing this skill can really help us in life. Just think, where would we be if God had not been patient with us?

When others let you down or irritate you (and they will!) be patient with them. Practice love and stillness, because those people are growing just like we are. Always bear in mind that life is a process that you can liken to a ladder - you must climb it one step at a time!

With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!

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