Inconvenient: a lack of comfort, a trouble or a bother, something difficult to do
This week we will continue to talk about how all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose (Roman 8:28). Often times, God puts His thumb in our backs or puts the squeeze on us, because we are more apt to pray, more apt to fast, and more apt to spend time in the word when these things happen. Look at this coronavirus - people are praying and pleading the blood as never before (see - God knows how to get our attention)! Not only are most of us praying for ourselves more, but we are also praying for others as well. We're looking out for our neighbors as we have not done in a long time. In hard times and in hard places, God always makes things work together for good, if we love Him and let Him call us according to His purpose.
God placed the Israelites in a time of testing, trials, and hardness. He deliberately allowed the Egyptians to make His people's lives bitter with hard bondage. The Egyptians were strict in their demands in all manner of service. They were severe, harsh, and oppressive in their rulership over the Israelites. Yet, the more pain, suffering and distress they caused the Israelites, the more God brought His good blessing to them. In today's terms, the point is that although it may not look like it, but there is good even in hardness. God's good blessing upon the Israelites caused them to multiply, increase, and to call and cry unto the Lord (Exodus 1:12-14). Through their bitter, hard bondage, they were brought into a closer relationship with God. His purpose and plan in the midst of every place of bitter, hard bondage is for us to grow and to draw closer to Him.
God puts us in trials and situations when it's inconvenient. In this life, God places us in many of these types of situations in order for us to find the good in it. We experience inconvenience because God has a special time and a special way by which His purpose and plan works together to give us the things we long for - whether it be a job, children, a husband, or a house. We must not become impatient, because we are being - in our minds, at least - inconvenienced and we must not use our pride to get us out of the situation. When we do that, we miss the good in the situation and it will, more often than not, cause us much grief. Remember, inconveniences are from God and He has hidden good in them. Two things to do to gain the victory over an inconvenience - or something that is bringing us pain instead of comfort are: 1) acknowledge the truth by proclaiming that God makes all things work together for good; and 2) repent for our pride.
The result of the hard times we endure is worth more than the pain it takes to go through them. God always delivers His people after they learn their spiritual lessons. We can find His good blessing by praying "Lord, show me the good."
With all this said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!
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