Anger: A strong feeling of displeasure, rage
The Lord realizes that at some point in this life we are all going to get angry about something. That's why He said in His word, "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: neither give place to the devil" (Ephesians 4:26-27). While anger may be a part of life, it's important that we don't allow it to carry us into sin.
Despite what you might have heard, it's good not to hid our anger. Instead, we should deal with it (and the reason for it) the moment it comes up. If we don't, it can become destructive. It's always good to acknowledge it, and then deal with it in a positive way by taking it directly to Jesus and confessing it to Him. Although it may feel good to the flesh to be angry and to take that out on others (like by telling them off!), two wrongs have never made a right.
Joyce Myers once said, reacting in anger is how we express our dissatisfaction with life. Let's use Naman as an example. He was a leper who went to the man of God to be healed. However, when the man of God sent his servant out to pray for him instead of doing it himself, Naman became dissatisfied with life and didn't want to do as he had been instructed (go and dip in the river Jordon seven times). Fortunately for Naman, he had a servant who told him that if the man of God servant had told him to do something "big" for his healing, he would have most certainly done it. With that in mind, Naman went and dipped himself seven times in the river and came out completely healed. Naman almost allowed his anger to cheat him out of his blessing! We should never allow our emotions to take over to the point where we cause our flesh to sin and we end up blocking our own blessings.
I can't say it enough - we must not allow ourselves to be in such a rage of anger that we miss out or almost miss out on our blessings that we have prayed so hard for. Even when we want to get angry with our spouse, our sibling, and/or our children for something they have done, we must remember that it's not our responsibility to change them; we are not responsible for their happiness nor their decisions. It is, however, our responsibility to stay focused, and to love them in spite of their actions. God will take care of the rest, after all it is His responsibility (not ours).
We should never allow our anger to fester, because years later it will affect us in ways we wouldn't believe. Remember to keep in mind, "This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh" (Galatians 5:16).
With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!
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