Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Remembering The Good!

Remember: to recall, retain, recollect
Good: morally excellent, cheerful

God commanded His people to have certain feasts and certain celebrations. One of the reasons for this was for them to remember all that He had done for them. At different times of the year, they would come together and celebrate how God had brought them out of the land of Egypt (slavery), how He had defeated their enemies, how He feed them in the wilderness, and how He protected them. God required them to remember. He is the same today as He was yesterday, so if he required them to remember, how much more is He requiring the same of us.

In the book of Joshua, God commanded them to leave stones as a memorial, these stones reminded them and their children of specific victories, so every time they would look at those stones, they would remember what God had done for them (Joshua 4:4-6). Like them, we should have something to remind us of what God has done for us. It doesn't have to be stones, of course. It could be something as simple as a journal that we maintain to keep all the many victories that He has done for us fresh in our memories.

God doesn't want us dwelling on the negative things in our past. That means we can't stay focused on that one time our boss or coworker did us wrong and we can't keep harping on the bad times between us and our spouses. It also means that we can't linger on the occasions when our friends whip or insult us with their tongues. Those are the types of things that we are suppose to forget. Of course, those things are going to come to the surface from time to time, but it's our responsibility to quickly change our thoughts. The reason for this is because whatever we dwell on is what we inevitably bring more of into our lives. So let's remember the good things that happen in our lives - like when God has turned situations around; the days our children were born; and the strength and peace He gave us throughout the difficult times and how He gave us beauty for ashes.

Let's remember our successes, our victories, and all the times we weathered the storms in our life because when we remember the good things we are constantly drawing more good things to us! Keep believing and keep remembering what God has done for us -  He's done it before, He's well able to do it again! God loves you, my friends!!

With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!

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