Fast: to abstain from physical nourishment.
The Bible tells us to fast, or, as the definition above says, to abstain from physical nourishment. Jesus said that there are things that come only through fasting and praying (Matthew 17:21). So that helps us establish the fact that we should fast. Did you know that when we are on a fast that we are not supposed to do the pleasurable things that we would normally do if we were not fasting? That's because we are to use this time to consecrate ourselves or devote ourselves exclusively to the Lord.
Now, usually when we fast, we do so with a specific purpose in mind - maybe it's for a healing or blessing for ourselves, or perhaps it's for deliverance or support for someone else. On occasions, I fast just to show thanks for what the Lord has already done for me. As I'm fasting, I have certain promises that pertain to my request that I rehearse back to the Lord.
This week, I want to talk to you about how good it would be if we could live a fasted life - not just fasting for a specific moment in time. For instance, how great would it be if we could fast from gossiping, forgiveness, lying, and complaining, and stand on the scriptures about each one of these?? Just think about it... it might be trickier than I sounds. In fact, when I told my daughter what this week's blog was going to be about, she said, "now what am I supposed to do on those days?" She finished up with, "I guess I'll stay locked up in the house on those days, I won't even talk on the phone!" Can anyone else out there relate?!
Let's take gossiping: Proverbs 11:13 tells us that we "a talebearer, revealeth of secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter." You see, gossiping can reveal secrets that have the power to break up long term relationships and separate close friends. That's because our words have lasting wounds. So. let's do ourselves a favor and fast from gossiping - not just one day, but every day!
Do you realize that often when we are telling embarrassing or shameful details about others without their knowledge or approval - it's gossip? Even when/if you mean no harm to him or her. The bible warns us against associating with talebearer: "He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips" Proverbs 20:19.
As you can see, its extremely important that we constantly fast from gossiping. We could easily hurt others, not to mention what we are doing to our relationship with the Lord. He takes no pleasure in it, so let's do our best to refrain from it.
Next week, we will continue with the other three woes.
With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!
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