Wednesday, November 2, 2016

God Is Looking For Honesty!

Honest: Free from fraud or deception; truthful

It takes courage to be honest; but if we want to see God's blessing working in our lives, we must learn to be honest. God rewards honesty, integrity, and faithfulness. We may get away with not being honest for a while - but God knows. Not only does He know, but His word tells us that we will reap what we sow.

Honesty is a reflection of what’s on the inside of us; our actions are a reflection of our faith; and the truth in our actions is a part of being a good witness. Learning how to become a more honest person will also help us keep a clear conscious. If there is something you don’t like, by all means just say, "Lord - I really don’t like this, but help me to do it if it’s Your will." Just be honest with Him, because God is not going to bless a lie. The Lord - and other people - will forgive us if we will simply be truthful. 

While it is sometimes tempting (and easy!) to lie, misrepresent ourselves, or down play uncomfortable truths in an effort to avoid conflict; dishonesty is never good for our relationships. Remember - speaking the truth and living the truth helps those around us come to the truth. 

If something is built on dishonesty, it shall surely fall down, so we must be honest in our heart about who we are. If someone is dishonest with you or about you - you can’t do anything about that - you're not them. What you can do something about is what’s in you.

We should strive to be honest in all things, to all people - even our children. After all, they're people too and it's just as wrong to be dishonest with/to them as it is to any other person. God is looking for honest and fair people; how can He bless us with much when He can’t trust us with little?!

No one can be consistently honest without making a commitment to tell the truth. Speaking the truth and being honest and fair in all things is a mark of a healthy relationship. John 14:6 tells us that "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." This means that when we follow dishonesty, then we are moving away from the Lord. Being honest is about following in God’s footsteps - for He cannot and has no need to lie. Trust in the Lord enough to be honest and fair in all things, my friends, so that you may draw nigh to Him.

With all that said, let the Church say amen… and Amen!

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