Wednesday, January 20, 2016

We Know Faith is Important, Now How Do We Get It?

Faith: belief and trust in God; a system of religious belief.

Last week we talked about the importance of faith, this week I want to share with you how we go about getting faith. Unfortunately, we don't just wake up one day and have all the faith that we need, it's a growing process. The word declares, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). In others words, we must spend time in the word of God, feeding ourselves with the word, reading of all the miracles Jesus did for His people and realizing that He's the same today, yesterday, and will be tomorrow. As we read and study His word, we will began to hear His word in our Spirit.

Hebrews 11:1 informs us, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.” Take for instance, the Shunammite woman in II Kings 4:20 - her Son fell ill and died. Unlike some of us, she did not accept that. She had so much faith in the man of God that she knew all she had to do was get to him and all would be well. She did not tell her husband that their son was dead, instead all she said was; "all is well." The man of God had so much faith in God that he didn’t stop to think about what he was going to do, he just went back with the woman. She took him to her son's room, he shut the door and prayed unto the Lord. After that, he stretched himself upon the child twice, the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes. God worked a miracle, because of that woman's faith. She gained more faith, because this was a personal experience.

It's so important that we go over and over the word of God until we get it in our Spirit. It should be so much a part of us that we automatically do it. For example, we don't have to think about how to brush our teeth (or whether we should) - it's such a part of us that it's automatic. That's how we should be about having faith in God.

Remember: we get faith by hearing, reading, and through our own experiences. We are healed by faith, we were saved by faith, and we are (and will be) rewarded according to our faith. It pleases the Lord when we walk in faith. God is real and well able to perform what He has promised, our job is to believe and be ready to receive!

With all that said, let the Church say Amen… and AMEN!

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