Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Denise's ABCs For Success! (Part Two)

Last week we went over Denise’s ABCs for success from A –M, this week we will continue with N –Z.

I pray that her ABC’s has blessed you in some way!

N:  Be like the Needle in the haystack -- not necessarily something easily spotted upon first glance, but sharp and to the point nevertheless.
O:  Obey the Lord’s will for your life. His will always takes you higher than your own.
P:  Pray and give Praise in all situations.
Q:  Be sure to set aside some Quiet time for yourself. Use this time to figure out who you are, where you want to go, and what it will take to get you there.
R:  Remember to ALWAYS Respect your parents. As bad as they may seem now, they really do love you and want the very best for you. Keep in mind that you only get one true set of parents, so make it count. Don’t alienate them now, as you may come to find that, besides Jesus, they are the only people who will love you unconditionally. Show them the Respect they deserve and should demand. As one of my favorite people often says, "You'll need them long before they will need you."
      Another ‘R’ I try to practice – Remember to Ring (call) your parents once a week, every week! That way when you call for money, they can't say that you only call when you need something!
S:  Know and believe that Jesus is and will always be your Source of Strength. Things get rough out there. When they do, know that He can carry you and your heavy load.
T:  Always have a Testimony. If you don't share all that the Lord has done for you, you may be prone to forget yourself.
U:  Take the time to Understand what people are telling you, in hopes that they will do the same for you. Don't just listen – Understand.
V:  Keep in mind that the Victory can be yours. Like the song says, "If I hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battles, Victory shall be mine."
W:  Watch out for those quick to steer you toward the things you know are Wrong.
X:  Accentuate the positive in every situation. Okay – I know that this isn’t a X word, but just work with me on this one!!
Y:  Be Youthful – when you are blessed with children, remember that you were young once. Keep in mind that things look different in the eyes of an eighteen or nineteen year old than in those of a forty-year-old.
Z:  Be Zealous in all that you do!

With all that said, let the Church say Amen and… AMEN!

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