Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Bloom Right Where You're Planted!

Bloom: To flourish
Planted: To put or set in the ground for growth

Most seeds bloom exactly where they are planted. That's because the sustenance it needs to survive is provided above the ground right where it was planted. Beneath the ground, the plant is also provided with nutrients which allows it to take root. Once that plant takes root, it tends to flourish, right there where the seed was planted. We can be just like that seed -- meaning that we can bloom exactly where we have been planted -- but we must have something to work with. As the plant gets nutrients beneath the ground to help it take root, grow and bloom; we must use what's beneath our surface (or what's inside of us) to help us bloom. In our case, our root system is our foundation and it's our foundation that anchors us. We must have a vision inside of us that's set on victory, so when situations pile up on us, we can easily push through them and blossom right where we have been planted.

Of course, we know that everyday isn't going to be a good day. Without a doubt, there will be all kinds of unpleasant things going on all around us - we may get bad news about a loved one or we may lose our job. Though we may feel like we’ve never had such difficult struggles, if we can just keep on believing, keep on hoping, and keep on pulling from the sustenance we get from above, our God will see that we are going to bloom right where we have been planted and He will turn the situation around!

Paul and Silas are a great example of this. Paul and Silas were planted in jail, beaten with many stripes with their feet in stocks, but still managed to blossom right where they were. In spite of their situation, Paul and Silas didn't complain. Instead, Acts 16:23-25 tells us that at midnight they prayed and sang praises unto God. Now, that’s what I call blooming EXACTLY where you have been planted! There is a light in every situation, we just have to choose to see it and act on it!

Remember, when struggles come our way - we are not buried in that spot - we are simply planted, so we can bloom!

With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and Amen!                                 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Two Best Dads

It's so easy to pick up the phone and say all kinds of sweet things to Moms, but it's also important to do the same with our Dads. You know, everybody enjoys hearing nice words like "I love you," and "I appreciate all the wonderful things you did and are still doing for me." Those words are precious to a Dad, just as they are to a Mom. I’m sure all the Dads out there wouldn’t mind hearing, "thank you for working long hours to provide for me," "thank you for making sure there was food  on the table and clothes on our backs." There would be no you or me without a Dad.

Just as it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual. Let us not forget about our Heavenly Father - the one who was, is, and always will be - without Him there would truly be no you or no me! With all that said, I will leave you with a poem from our resident poet, Ms. Shonta Alexander.

The Two Best Dads
Happy Father's Day to the men I love
My earthly father and my Father above
The best two dads I've ever had
Handed down from the other, I'm so glad
Blessed is how I feel to have you in my life
Because of you I've grown to be a virtuous wife
I've learned to give thanks in all of my prayers
I've learned to hand over all of my cares
I've learned the Word of God from both of you
I've studied for myself because you told me to
You've instilled so much when things got tough
Can't express my love and appreciation enough
So HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to my two dad's
The best two dads I've ever had!
With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Don't Wait To Be Blessed, Be a Blessing!

Blessing: a beneficial thing for which one is grateful; something that brings well-being.

So often we want to be blessed. Our fleshly nature always wants to know, 'if I go out of my way to do that, what’s in it for me?' More often than not, if we can't see the silver lining in something for us; we are not real anxious to do it. We must keep in mind what the Word of God says, "it's more blessed to give than to receive." Also, whenever we are a blessing to others, we don’t have to sound a trumpet just to make sure that everyone knows!

Our ultimate example (Jesus) didn’t come to be served - He came to serve. God is so faithful that He will not allow any of our acts of kindness to go unnoticed. If we could learn to look to the Author and Finisher of all things, we would realize that it's okay to be a blessing rather than always wanting someone to bless us. You see, man is limited, but God is not! When He blesses you, you are truly blessed!

Ruth was a good example; she was such a blessing to her mother-in-law. When Naomi lost her husband and both of her sons, Ruth did not leave her, she went back to Bethlehem with her. When she went to the fields to glean ears of corn so they could eat, Ruth wasn’t looking for a blessing - she just wanted to be a blessing to Naomi. Boaz, who was a mighty man of wealth, saw Ruth gleaning in his field and inquired about her. After hearing how she had been such a blessing to her mother-in-law since the death of her husband and sons, Ruth quickly found favor in Boaz's sight. To make a long story short, Ruth became the wife of a mighty man of wealth simply because she was willing and able to be a blessing to someone else.

The word says to give honor where honor is due, so I want to give honor to my dear sweet Aunt, who does SO many things for other people without ever looking for a blessing - just simply wanting to be a blessing. When our mother passed away some years ago, she stepped in and became a mother, a friend, and a sister to me and to my siblings. She visits people in the nursing homes, in the hospital, and has been known to take on small children as her own grandchildren. On top of all that, she also ministers in what ever capacity that she can to her other nieces and nephews; and carries the elderly to the bank, to the grocery store, and to their doctors appointments. When my husband's mother passed away, she took him on as well. We love you and we thank you Auntie Lorine for being such a wonderful blessing to each of us and never looking or expecting to be blessed!

The Lord is our great and mighty rewarder, so let’s be a blessing to someone today and not wait to be blessed!

With all that said, let the Church say Amen and... AMEN!                     

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Let's Serve The Lord With Gladness and Thanksgiving!

Gladness: Being happy, being willing to help, grateful, joy and pleasure.
Thanksgiving: An expression of one gratitude, a celebration.

I realize that there is a lot going on in this world today, in fact, it’s enough to blow your mind, but I think it's important that we keep in mind that we didn't start those things and we can’t finish them. Of course, that's not to say that we shouldn't pray for our country - we absolutely should - especially as we see murder, sickness, and flooding going on in the world - and that's just the short list! However, after we have taken those things to Jesus, we must leave them at His feet. This allows us to move forward and serve Him with gladness, with joy, and pleasure as His Word has instructed us to do. We should never allow serving God to become a chore. Instead, let's strive to always serve him with an attitude of gratitude.

In the amplified version of Psalms 100: 1-5, David gives us some amazing advice:
"Make A joyful noise to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come before His presence with singing! Know (perceive, recognize, and understand with approval) that the Lord is God! It is He who has made us, not we ourselves (and we are His)! We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and a thank offering and into His courts with praise! Be thankful and say so to Him, bless and affectionately praise His name! For the Lord is good; His mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting, His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations."
Serving the Lord with gladness and thanksgiving is easy! We can accomplish this by mentioning His Name to others and by acknowledging all the wonderful things He has done for us. Our God is awesome and truly worthy to be praised, so my friends I invite you to magnify the Lord with me, and let's exalt his name together!

With all that said, let the Church say Amen and … AMEN!