Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It's Not What Others Think about You, It's What You Think about Yourself!

Think: To reason and work out in the mind; to visualize

As it is told in Proverbs 23:7, "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he..." It doesn't matter what Jim says, or what Jane says - what's more important is what you think about yourself!

Friends, we must never put ourselves down or criticize ourselves by using words like "I’m so stupid!" or "I'm such an idiot!" These are not just phrases or words - they hold power. As the scripture above says, if we think it, it becomes our reality. So if we think we are stupid, we will eventually become stupid. We must feel good about who we are and what we think about ourselves. Of course, we have to be realistic - we are not perfect and we should not allow pride or arrogance to take over. What I’m saying is that you must love yourself and have a good opinion of yourself - because if you don’t, neither will anyone else!

If it's one thing that I’ve learned in this life, it's that people are going to talk about you! Whether you do something or if you do nothing - folks are going to talk about you! So keep that in mind and don’t let someone else's opinion dictate who you are!

Think about yourself as Jesus thinks of you. After all, He died for us, so He obviously thought we were special and well worth it!

Let's speak positive words about ourselves (and about others to help them on their journey!); words like "I’m blessed and highly favored by the Lord," "I’m an overcomer," "I am fearfully and wonderfully made," and "I carry the DNA of the all might God within me."  

Others can only put you down and cause you to have low self esteem if you allow it! Remember, it’s not what others think about you, it’s what you think about yourself that counts!

With all that said, let the Church say Amen…and AMEN!

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