Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Remove Not the Ancient Landmark!

Remove: To move, eliminate, extract
Landmark: A fixed object that serves as a boundary marker

Have you ever thought about how COMMON we have made God? Some of us use His name randomly (when we are definitely not referring to Him). Others of us may have replaced His name with an "X" instead taking the time to spell out "CHRISTmas." At some point or another, we're probably all guilty of placing our Savior on the back burner as we do other things that are not nearly as important to us... in other words, it's like we have lost respect for Him.

God is sovereign and by no means common. He is more than worthy to be respected, honored and praised. As Proverbs 22:28 tells us; "Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set." My friends, I'm afraid that we have lost sight of that scripture.

Back in a day, after the word of God had been taught or preached, people would stand in line to shake the Pastor's hand and let him know how much they appreciated the word he had delivered. Now when the last amen is said, we almost trample each other, trying to get out of the door first! We have forgotten the scripture that says, "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigned" (Isaiah 52:7). Let’s not remove the boundary markers.

I remember when we would have all night shut-ins at church. We would lay out before the Lord in prayer, interceding for ourselves, as well as for others. These days, it seems like we need a life-saver just to keep us from fidgeting in our seat after an hour! Oh, how we need to go back to the ancient landmarks.

We used to do a much better job of keeping the Sabbath day (Sunday) holy - the old saints would cook on Saturday, so there would be no cooking on Sunday. They did not shop, and neither did we, on Sunday. We only went to the house of God, where we respected God's house and reverenced the word of God. We remembered that the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and we hallowed it.

Things have really changed. And while I might agree that some changes are necessary, I am grateful that when it comes to the word of God - there are no changes. God’s word is the same today, yesterday, and will be tomorrow. Those things our parents did that (or we have done), got us to where we are today - it's going to take those same holy things to get us back to the Lord!

With all that said, let the church say Amen...and AMEN!

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