Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Thank God For Fathers!

It's so easy to pick up the phone and say all kinds of sweet things to Moms, but it's also important to do the same with our Dads. You know, everybody enjoys hearing nice words like "I love you," and "I appreciate all the wonderful things you did and are still doing for me." Those words are precious to a Dad, just as they are to a Mom. I’m sure all the Dads out there wouldn’t mind hearing, "thank you for working long hours to provide for me," "thank you for making sure there was food  on the table and clothes on our backs." There would be no you or me without a Dad.

Just as it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual. Let us not forget about our Heavenly Father - the one who was, is, and always will be - without Him there would truly be no you or no me! With all that said, I will leave you with a poem from our resident poet, Ms. Shonta Alexander.

I Appreciate My Dad

Times were pretty hard growing up
We barely had water to put in our cups
We barely had cups to put the water in
Times were hard way back then
But daddy would work hard hauling pulpwood
Just so we could have a few things that were good
My daddy would come home covered in sawdust
Tired as he could be but he did it for us
Mama would have his food prepared on his plate
We would always eat after daddy ate
After every meal, my daddy would repeat
"I would eat more but the kids gotta eat"
I thought my daddy was as mean as he could be
But unlike some fathers, he was there for me
Daddy's a preacher now so I guess I’m a preacher's kid
They say we're ungrateful but I appreciate what he did
I appreciate my dad in every way
I especially appreciate him on Father's Day!

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