Today, your showing of appreciation could be a simple phone call that goes like that famous song, "I just called to say I love you!" It could be some kind words like, "Mother, I appreciate you and all the sacrifices you made for me," that are said exactly when she needs them. Or maybe it's a nice surprise she receives in the mail like her favorite perfume or a bouquet of flowers that brings a smile to her face. Whatever you decide to do, never miss out on the chance to tell your Mom just how special she is - because she truly is. Without her, there would be no you!
With that, I would like to share this poem, written by our resident poet, Ms. Shonta Alexander. Be blessed, my friends and Happy Mother's Day to you all!
When I think of my mom on this Mother’s day
I think of all the things that I would lovingly say
Like thanks for your concerns and all your prayers
Not just for me but for all your heirs
You went without food so that we all could eat
You made sure we came first and you took the backseat
You dealt with so much pain just to get us up and
Then by the grace of God you moved out on your own
Everything you did, you did it for us
You never complained; you never caused a fuss
How grateful I am when I look back today
On how you sacrificed and how you made a way
For us to grow strong, Independent and smart
To not just be good but to have a good heart
Late one night thru the crack of your door
I saw you bowed onto the floor
Down on your knees in a special way
Thanking the Lord for another day
Another day your children survived
By the grace of God, is still alive
And from then on, I would always say
My mother prayed for me both night and day.
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