Sometimes when it rain, it pours - but have no fear - there are brighter days ahead. Psalms 30:5 tells us that "...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." I realize that this is probably easier said than done, but when the storms of life start raging, we must hold on to God’s unchanging hand. We do that by sending up our praise, our prayer, and by quoting His word back to Him.
You know, sometimes we get a little lazy with our praise to the Lord - we don’t spend as much time in prayer like we use to; we become so busy with
other things that studying the word becomes a chore. So the Lord allows a little rain to fall. Mind you, He’s not allowing that rain to
kill us - it's just enough so we will bow our knees and give Him the praise that He so rightly
deserves. It's also a reminder that we need to put our trust back in Him and not in ourselves. He does this out of love for us.
The Lord allowed some rain to pour in Job's life, but after Job
humbled himself and acknowledged God's sovereignty, he came out with twice as much
as he went in with. God allowed some rain
to pour in the children of Israel
life, but when the sun started to shine for them, Psalms 105:37 tells us that they came out with silver and
gold and there was not one feeble person among their tribes. Slaves leaving Egypt
with silver and gold! Can you imagine that?!
If the rain didn’t fall, we wouldn’t know how to appreciate
the sunny days! God also allows the rain
to fall to see what’s in our heart; to see if we are in love with the gifts He
gives us or if we are in love with the giver. It’s easy to praise the Lord when the sun is shining, but it’s so
important to always have the same praise when the rain is falling on and around us.
It's imperative that we remember what the word of God tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, regardless of whether it’s raining or if the
sun is shining: "In
every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning
you." Also, remember not to get a bad attitude just because it’s
raining in your life. A bad attitude is
just like having a flat tire - you can't go anywhere until it’s fixed!
In the days of Noah it poured, but for the ones that were
obedient, there were brighter days ahead and the sun did indeed shine! So, be encouraged my friends - the Lord is too Holy, too
Righteous, and too Just to allow anything to cross our path that’s not for our
good and His Glory... no matter how it may appear to us! When it starts raining, sometimes it pours - BUT there are brighter days ahead!
And with all that said, let the church say amen… and AMEN!