Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Keeping a Right Attitude

Attitude: A mental position; the feeling one has for oneself.

Our attitude is half the battle; the way we think and/or feel about a situation will either keep us in it or get us out of it. We tend to think we are running the show, but the truth of the matter is, the only thing we are running is our mouth. We are not our own. We were bought with a price and that price was the precious blood of the Lamb (Jesus, of course!). When we make a purchase, the item becomes ours, right? So it makes sense that when Jesus made His purchase, we became His.

When He allows things to happen TO us, it always seems as if it's at an inconvenient time FOR us. As a result, our mental position of that thing becomes out of order and we get upset with the Lord because it was not OUR plan. What we don't want is to become a Jonah. The Lord told Jonah to go to Nineveh (Jonah 1:2) and to cry against it -- in other words, to tell the people to repent of their wickedness. Jonah did not have the right attitude; he decided to get on a ship going to Tarshish; a trip to Nineveh wasn't on his agenda for that day, so he went another way.

Of course, the Lord knows just how to get our attitude right - you might remember how He prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah up (Jonah 1:17). Jonah quickly got the message and his attitude right and prayed unto the Lord his God (Jonah 2:1-2) out of the belly of hell. The Lord heard Jonah and spake until the fish and it vomited him out on dry land (Jonah 2:10). Jonah got his mental position -- his attitude -- right. The Word tells us that Nineveh was a three-day journey, but Jonah made the trip in just one day!

Let's get our attitude right toward the Lord because He knows just how to get us in check! Remember, our wrong attitude about things didn't mean anything yesterday; it doesn't mean anything today and won't mean anything tomorrow either. let's get in agreement and respect our Saviour.

with all that's said let the Church say Amen and...Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Yep....had to check myself yesterday evening and do business with God. Attitude is everything. Thanks for the reminder. Be blessed and keep'em coming.
