Matthew 6:33 gives us a blueprint for getting ready: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." In the Strong's Concordance, the word "seek" means to worship, to desire, to plot and plan purposefully, to inquire and to require. Last week, we looked at the first three words. This week, let's dig into the last two words a little more.
Inquire: When you inquire about things, what are you doing? You are asking. If we speak God’s word back to Him in prayer, what did God say he would do? Perform it! He will meet the needs in our lives according to His purpose and will if we would simply inquire. We should, everyday inquire of the Lord, "what is your Will for me today, what is it you want me to do, where do you want me to go, what is it you want me to say?" So many things revolve around us just having a conversation with the Lord and asking the right questions. Without asking, we don’t know how to go out and we don’t know how to come back in. As the Bible tells us in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not onto thine on understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.”
Require: Last but not least, we must require or cause things to be necessary. As you prepare for Jesus' arrival, you are required to do these things every day. Do we worship only once and then we're done? Do we plan things out one time? Do we desire and inquire one thing only? No! We do it repeatedly, over and over again everyday. If I want the Lord to do things for me or see Him move in my life, it is a requirement that I do these things daily.
Have you ever heard people wondering why the Lord doesn't seem to be working for them? Well first, that person's still breathing, so He is! And two, it’s more likely because he or she is refusing to believe what the Word of God tells them. These things only work if you work them.
Don’t misunderstand, the Lord has no problem with us doing things or having things. He simply asks us to "seek Me first." He’s the one watching over us, waking us up each morning, and tending over us throughout the day, even as you read this right now. Let’s put Him first by preparing for Him everyday!With all that said, let the Church say Amen... and AMEN!